Feb 13

Time for a fresh look at ROAR design!

RoarUpdateComing March/April 2013

The time has come for a full makeover, new logo, twitter, facebook, google+, website (responsive to mobile devices!) and product and service information.

Of course you can give me a buzz at any of the following:

Ph. 03 434 7126
Cell. 022 444 7627 (ROAR)

email. roar@roardesign.co.nz
Twitter. www.twitter.com/ROARNZ
FB. www.facebook.com/ROARDesign

Jun 12

A big update is coming…

I have been neglecting the website lately but for the greater good! I have been busy doing a few sites but a lot of time learning a whole lot of cool new features for WordPress, HTML5, and CSS.

Net technologies are moving at a pretty rapid rate now (probably due to smartphone use) and it’s fun but time consuming to squeeze all the new stuff into my brain.



So what’s up next?

There are a few websites I have done that I’ll add to the portfolio. (e.g. http://www.myqrcode.co.nz and http://themasonichotel.co.nz )

I’m about to redo the site (again!?) and that is exciting!

Social media/blog attack – It’s essential for everyone and I have been a bit relaxed on it myself. The future of websites will have a heavy focus on  communicating and the combined effort of WordPress plus Facebook, Twitter and a few others needs to become a weekly habit!


Anyway, time to draw up a few print ads!







Feb 12

Happy Waitangi Day!

Now if only summer was here….


Anyway have a good one, I’m going to play around with WordPress and see what new plugins are around.

Nov 11

So what’s been happening?

I have been very quiet on the website as you have seen but that does not mean I haven’t been busy. To continue my thirst for knowledge I undertook 2 more IT tertiary papers in Visual Basic programming and IS&T Strategic Planning. That made for a stressful 17 week block but now my focus has been diverted fully to the design side of life.


The immediate plans are to continue working on this site as I haven’t found the right mix of design to satisfy my taste. Admittedly I am my own worst enemy when it comes to designing anything for myself, I am currently working on items for our wedding and I think I had a ridiculous number of Save the Date templates drawn before I finalised one (and then the final one was a ‘doodle’ that took 25 mins.)

In terms of web design I want to be able to offer simple solutions with eye catching features but it’s measuring out what is best to use. I’ll get there though and hopefully you’ll be seeing plenty more Roar pages out there soon.


Anyhow, I’m off to eat lunch!


Sep 11

Oamaru Shingle Supplies

[singlepic id=21 w=320 h=240 float=right]

Oamaru Shingle Supplies had a site that no longer reflected their business and was extremely out of date. I worked with the general manager Mark Rogers throughout the design and continuously adjusted my design or wording to his very focused direction, making for a great relationship and polished website!

Have a look yourself at www.oamarushingle.co.nz

Jun 11

Hi-Way Hire – Web Update

[singlepic id=18 w=320 h=240 float=right]
Hi-Way Hire went through a bit of a change with a new address and moving the focus to hiring out the Big Stuff. I had to change a fair chunk from the original site and after working on it briefly it quickly became apparent a facelift would take the same amount of time.
Check it out at http://www.hiwayhire.co.nz

May 11

Altezza Drift – Flyer & Email

[singlepic id=17 w=320 h=240 float=right]

Here is a proposal drawn up for Aden Omnet’s drift project. The aim was too attract new sponsors to assist Aden keep his drift car from drinking too much money while giving him the freedom to concentrate on driving.
The event flowing this flyer he qualified 1st and finished 8th to see his best result in drifting. Check him out on facebook at http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100001255213598

May 11

Oregon Nurseries Ltd Print Ads

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I always like to emphasize the importance of making a statement with your advertising. These ads took 30 minutes to draw up (original photos & text supplied) and can be used over and over again. If the ad is run 10 times it will add under $4 per pop to the price so it’s definitely worth considering.

Apr 11

Whitestone Contracting Website

[singlepic id=5 w=320 h=240 float=right]

The focus for Whitestone was the ability to have a nice display of their services and great SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) and we achieved this nicely with WordPress. I am especially proud of the slideshow header with nice smooth transitions and good use of the company’s colours.’

Whether it is building the roads you drive on, helping the district look tidy and clean, or giving your garden a new look Whitestone Contracting is here to get the job done for you.

Apr 11

Oregon Nurseries Ltd Website

[singlepic id=8 w=320 h=240 float=right] My first WordPress site and which I took the time to play with a few plugins. One thing I took advantage of was the use of the WP Commerce plugin although the prices and shopping options were disabled and it played the role of more of an online catalogue.


Do you need a shelter belt for the farm, a nice big ole forestry block or a shrub for the garden? Then you’ve come to the right place!

The team at Oregon Nurseries Ltd are here to help you with forestry, farm shelter, natives, amenity species, trees, shrubs or maybe just a friendly bit of advice.